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Construction Material Testing

Construction Material Testing

Construction of a project is a major investment and Terra has the experience and expertise to make sure it is constructed the way the design team has intended and ensure that the construction materials meet the standards. That is why Quality Construction Observation and Testing services performed by qualified, experienced and certified Technicians is very important because it provides a measure of due diligence that is documented.

Terra’s cross-trained field Technicians have over 20 years of experience and training in Construction Observation and Testing and are certified by following agencies:

  • National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technology (NICET)
  • American Concrete Institute (ACI)
  • Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)

In order to maintain operational and technical proficiency, all personnel are involved in continuing education regarding the equipment and technological services that we offer. All field personnel have completed the OSHA HAZWOPER 40 Hour Training course and the necessary 8 Hour Refresher courses as required in OSHA 29 CFR.

Soil Testing

Soil testing services can make a major contribution to facility performance and keep costs in check by identifying potential site problems early. Terra’s certified Technicians can observe subgrade preparation, grading, utility installation and perform laboratory and on-site testing to:

  • Evaluate the suitability of on-site and off-site borrow soils for structural fills
  • Assess the need for moisture conditioning
  • Suggest alternatives for construction equipment and procedures
  • Evaluate the need for soil stabilization as a potential solution for problematic subgrade soil
  • Determine the degree of compaction achieved by performing in-place density testing

Concrete Testing

Terra’s certified Technician can provide a complete review of concrete batching operations, placement & curing procedures. Throughout the construction process, field and laboratory testing can be used, when appropriate, to determine the field properties and potential strength of the recently placed concrete to expedite construction schedules and keep the project on track. Terra’s professionals and certified Technicians can:

  • Observe and document the concrete placement conditions
  • Sample fresh concrete on site for air content, slump, temperature and unit weight
  • Make cylinders and beams for strength tests
  • Evaluate hardened in-place concrete for deficiencies
  • Evaluate and provide recommendations for special material such as grout & lightweight concrete
  • Perform mix designs in accordance with ACI and ASTM standards

Asphalt Testing

Asphalt field and laboratory testing services can be performed to document that the asphalt pavement system is placed and constructed in accordance with the projects specifications and plans. Terra’s certified Technicians can provide:

  • Asphalt mix designs and mix verifications
  • Batch plant testing to assess aggregate gradation, asphalt content, bulk specific gravity,
  • Marshall stability and flow
  • Field observations of compaction procedures and mix temperature
  • Measurement of thickness and compaction through core samples and nuclear density testing